"The IPS is the perfect
intellectual front for Soviet activities which would be
resisted if they were to originate openly from the KGB.".........Brian
Crozier, director of the London-based Institute for the
Study of Conflict, 1978
The current financial &
political turmoil in Mexico is giving the Zapatista Army of
National Liberation(EZLN) the dreamed-of opportunity to foment
revolution culminating in the communist takeover of our southern
neighbor. The fires of terrorism in Chiapas are being fanned by
assorted American leftists, communist-front organizations,
academics and clergy. In the forefront of this agitation is the
Institute of Policy Studies(IPS). As this group is being cited as
a "source" of "information" it's best to know
just what is the IPS?
Scandals have repeatedly exploded
around the very foundations of the Institute for Policy Studies.
But it has so penetrated Washington's circles of radical
legislators, congressional aides, government agencies, academics,
and the media that the IPS not only continues to function but
also to attract fresh recruits.
The scandals include federal
domestic security investigations during the late 1960s and early
1970s revealing IPS's more than passing involvement with leaders
of the violently revolutionary Students for a Democratic Society
(SDS) and the race hatred of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating
Committee(they always have such nice-sounding names, don't
they?). The latter included Ralph Featherstone, who left this
world rapidly one evening when the bomb he was holding in his lap
exploded before he could plant it at the Maryland courthouse
where H. Rap Brown faced charges of incitement to riot. Then
there were the investigations of the intimate connections of key
IPS members with such hostile foreign powers as Cuba and North
Vietnam. There were the investigations of the relationship
between prominent IPS associates, the terrorist Weathermen, and
Cuba. There was a federal indictment of IPS co-founder Marcus
Raskin for draft-evasion conspiracy. And there was the direct
involvement of IPS members including Leonard Rodberg in
dissemination of the Pentagon Papers stolen by Daniel Ellsberg
from the Rand Corporation.
Added to all this were the
embarrassing facts made public after the assassination of IPS
official Orlando Letelier that the Chilean Marxist-Leninist had
for years been spying for the Soviets and working for the Cuban
intelligence service, Direccion General de Inteligencia(DGI), as
an "agent of influence."
The IPS was thirty-three years old
this April. Among those serving on the Twentieth Anniversary
Committee, chaired by disarmament-agitator, Paul Warnke, were
Senator Christopher Dodd(D-CT) and Democratic Presidential
hopeful Gary Hart of Colorado. Senator Mark Hatfield of Oregon
provided anendorsement which said: "I respect the often
thoughtful and scholarly work of these individuals. I have no
doubt that theirs is a legitimate and useful role in the
formulation of national policy."
Many of the IPS's best friends in
the Senate and House have been turned out of office, but they
have included the following: James Abourezk, Frank Church,
J.William Fulbright, Birch Bayh, Eugene McCarthy, and Gaylord
Congressional supporters of the
IPS have included many of those who biennially commissioned IPS
to produce an "Alternative" Budget that dramatically
cuts defense spending while increasing spending for social
welfare to levels only dreamed of by Karl Marx. In this pack of
IPS intimates have been such luminaries as:
- Les Aspin(D-WI), Clinton's
former Secretary of Defense
- George Brown(D-CA)
- George Crockett(D-MI)
- Patricia Schroeder(D-CO)
- Don Edwards(D-CA)
- Ron Dellums(D-CA)
- Ted Weiss(D-NY)
- Tom Harkin(D-IA): "I want to thank the
Institute for Policy Studies and the people who have
worked so hard [and] have been in my office a lot".--------Rep. Harkin speaking at IPS
reception at Mott House. (Source: Covert Cadre)
- Robert Kastenmeier(D-WI)
- George Miller(D-CA)
- Richard Ottinger(D-NY)
- Leon Panetta(D-CA) - Hey, you
know this guy!
- Henry Reuss(D-WI)
- John Conyers(D-MI)
- Robert Toricelli(D-NJ)
The IPS and its international
subsidiaries, the Transnational Institute, and affiliated
Transnational Information Exchange(TIE) are big-time stuff. They
operate to bring together radical organizers; leaders of support
networks revolutionary terrorist groups; leaders of the
disarmament, "nuclear freeze" movements,
"greens" and environmental groups; radical and
"Liberal" academicians and journalists; foreign
officials, politicians, and diplomats(including some identified
as intelligence agents from Communist and pro-Communist states
and political parties); and, Members of the House of
Representatives and the Senate, their staff aides. The operators
at IPS know what they are doing and they do it very well.
The IPS was organized in 1963 by
two ex-government officials. One was Richard Barnet, a graduate
of Harvard University(summa cum laude), Harvard Law School, and
Harvard's Russian Research Center. He was once in the Kennedy
State Department as a Soviet specialist in the Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency. The other organizer was Marcus Raskin,
University of Chicago graduate who came to Washington in 1959 as
legislative assistant to radical US House Representative Robert
Kastenmeier(D-WI). Raskin had promptly set about organizing the
Liberal Project, a mini-caucus of twelve Leftist Congressmen who
wished to institute some utopian, if not radical, changes in US
defense policies.
By 1965, Raskin and Barnet had
greatly intensified IPS's organizing against US defense and
foreign policies. From that point on, IPS leaders increasingly
dropped the pretense of scholarship for the production of blatant
propaganda. This did not of course antagonize those
"Liberals" and radicals who already hated America's
strength and prosperity for assorted political reasons of their
own. They were happy to work with IPS in supporting the goals and
causes of virtually every revolutionary terrorist movement backed
by Havana, Hanoi, and Moscow.
But the Vietcong and the Hanoi
regime were far from the only Communist movements backed by the
Institute for Policy Studies. It also has carried out major
efforts to present a favorable image of the vicious terrorists of
the PLO; the Soviet-dominated Popular Liberation Movement of
Angola, the ANC of South Africa, the FMLN, the FALN, and now the
EZLN. Castroite terrorist movements in many Latin American
countries have found IPS's support in the political and
journalistic circles of Washington to be of great value.
The IPS claims it is a
"source of radical scholarship." Former Director Robert
L. Borosage, a Yale-trained lawyer who has served as president of
the D.C. chapter of the National Lawyers Guild(Communist Front). But even Borosage admitted that
IPS's "scholarship" is "not academic" and
"does not adhere to academic disciplines." Instead, IPS
members are expected to "teach...through books, films and
articles,...projects and...organized experiments" that put
into operation the radical "alternative" programs
devised by IPS's pro-communist fellows and associates.
In other words, IPS acknowledges
that it operates as a training center for radical organizers.
And, even more importantly, that it serves as a center for the
transmission of radical programs designed to affect the United
States foreign and domestic policies by exerting influence in
Congress among "Liberals" of both the Democratic and
Republican parties. And, when possible, in the Administration and
White House as well. A recent example of this was the
near-confirmation of IPS-member Morton Halperin to Assistant Secretary of Defense under Secretary
Les Aspin. It was only the courage and vigilance of Senator Strom
Thurmond that prevented this appointment to one of our most
sensitive security positions.
But all is well for the IPS
fellow; despite the efforts of Senator Thurmond, President
Clinton appointed Halperin to a government position anyway, one
not requiring Senate confirmation. For one never to have had to
carve his sustenance from our capitalist system, and with a high
degree of contempt for same, what better recourse than to subvert
it from within - with another government job.
The single cord that binds IPS's
multitude of projects and activities is that the changes in US
policies sought by IPS are favorable ultimately to the interests
of world communism. Ostensibly, we are told that world communism
is 'dead', and that all we must do to prevent its resurgence is
to increase our foreign aid to that dismal country. Contradicting
that widely held belief is the opening of an IPS/TNI office in
Moscow, and former TNI head, Katrina vanden Heuvel, now editor of
the leftist American journal The Nation, spends much of
her time in Moscow; one would presume her intended purpose is to
strengthen the IPS-Soviet Union global partnership committed to
expanding world communism. Yes, the Soviet Union and IPS themes
remain unchanged: dismantling of NATO; termination of other
defense agreements with US allies; "nonintervention"
against communist insurgencies, whether direct as in Afghanistan
or through local surrogates and agents as in Indochina, Angola,
South Africa, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, or Mexico;
government control of major US industries as well as housing,
health, transportation, and education; and, a "planned
economy" with comprehensive "income
redistribution." Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin would recognize it
, by S. Steven Powell - Excellent Read, Highly Recommend!
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