Current editions of the leftist publication In These Times (ITT) do not acknowledge its roots in the Marxist Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). As the excerpt from early masthead above reflects, ITT was a publication of the IPS, and billed itself as "The Independent Socialist Newspaper".Early assocate editors were:
John JUDIS - currently senior editor of The New Republic and contributor to IPS affiliated Mother Jones. -
David MOBERG - senior Editor - ITT and frequent writer for Chicago Tribune.
Early sponsors were:- Julian BOND
Barbara EHRENREICH- IPS fellow, co-chair Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) & Time magazine writer. -
Daniel ELLSBERG - Pentagon Papers fame -
Michael HARRINGTON - Founder of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) -
Staughton LIND - Jeremy RIFKIN
Derek SHEARER - 60's Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and CLINTON-appointed Ambassador to Finland!!
Watch this page for links to Bioleft profiles on some of the above, and more on the "work" of ITT!
Denotes coming profiles!